Doomscrolling Breakthrough. How to break free of your Doomscrolling habit.

by admin in on February 7, 2024


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Navigate your way out of the negative spiral with “Doomscrolling Breakthrough: How to Break Free from Your Doomscrolling Habit.” This essential 21-page PDF guide is your ally in combating the compulsive habit of doomscrolling—endlessly scrolling through bad news on social media and websites, which can adversely affect mental health. Loaded with actionable advice, psychological insights, and practical exercises, this eBook empowers you to reclaim your peace of mind, enhance your mental wellness, and foster a healthier digital consumption pattern. Perfect for anyone looking to mitigate anxiety, boost productivity, and foster a positive online experience, “Doomscrolling Breakthrough” illuminates the path to a more mindful and empowered digital life.

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  • Released

    February 7, 2024

  • Last Updated

    March 21, 2024